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Management Solutions LLC.

Case Study: Independent Engineering Review for a Carbon Capture Project Portfolio


The client required limited Independent Engineering (IE) due diligence reviews for a portfolio of proposed carbon capture projects. These reviews were necessary for understanding the potential risks associated with a diverse set of underlying technologies and to inform the client of such risks in support of its stage-gate decision making and recipient funding process.


MSLLC deployed its team of engineers experienced in carbon capture, carbon transportation, carbon sequestration, and balance of plant technologies to perform these reviews. This work consisted of conducting design basis and technology readiness reviews of the aforementioned technologies for each project prior to the front-end engineering and design (FEED) phase. MSLLC provided an objective perspective on each project’s technical efficacy, expected risk areas, and suggested risk mitigants, summarizing our team’s perspectives in an IE report for each project.


MSLLC provided the client with clear visibility into each technology reviewed. Through this due diligence process, the client was able to understand the key risks and risk mitigants to achieve success, allowing the client to pursue potential mitigation pathways. Ultimately, the client received critical insights that allowed it to finalize multiple investment decisions.

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